Sunday, January 13, 2013

How Hard Was It.

 I keep asking myself "How hard was it for Joey to have to sit in a jail with the last look at the internet and having to delete the personal email accounts and various blogs that were essentially his life?"
 I can imagine him looking at the DA and pleading for some mercy. To leave something on the net of himself. Some where there are parts of him that still remain. Some of the images of him drinking that glass of alcohol. A few with his beloved bullhorn. A few with his "girlfriend". Sure the pages remain but the admin controls are gone.
 Just like this blog. While I can publish I can not do the administrative tasks. Now the email Joey had controlling this blog is gone. I am sure one day that someone can get Joey to give them the passwords to this blog and remove me from it. It would be fitting to Joey's vindictive nature. I also know somewhere in some other persons possession is a hard drive or flash drive with all of Joey's passwords, email address's, and blog sites.
 Someone is poised to take control of what is left of his media outlet. I just wonder if they know what they have and if they have the guts to use it? I wonder if someone is willing to attach themselves to Freedom Of The Press Group? There are the die hard types that are out there. One of them might try if they have that information.
 If I had that information I would simply follow the order from the 40th District Court in Ellis County Texas. I would delete everything. Or I would remove the Freedom Of The Press logos from everything and remove the slander and liable from the postings.
 I would start over. I would begin removing the out of state blogs. I would remove anything that I personally couldn't prove. I would delete the YouTube videos first and foremost. Everything covering Joey would vanish. Beginning with this one.
This is the biggest joke Joey made. Placed on YouTube just days before his arrest on the Navarro County charges that he was just convicted of. I wonder why the District Attorney has not forced YouTube to remove these videos?

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