Friday, May 13, 2011

Lack of early voters.

The lack of voter turn out for the early voting shocks me. IT IS AS IF THIS TOWN DOES NOT WANT CHANGE. I can only hope that the turn out tomorrow will be far higher. in a town of just at or around 23,000 people I cant believe that voters didnt turn out in droves for early voting. Make Saturday May 14th the day that balch Springs turned its self around and did something productive. LIKE REMOVING THE STAGNATION at City hall.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Does Balch Springs need a smoking ban???

Really? So we want to be big. we want this city to grow. but do we need a smoking ban? Why? I am not against a reasonable ordinance. What is a REASONABLE ordinance?
A reasonable ordinance is one that allows the property/business owner to maintain control of his clientel without having the local government tell him or her how to do it. the ordinance needs to look at each establishment not a broad wide sweeping one rule dits all like was passed in Ennis a few years ago.
how do you look at it with out a broad wide sweep? Does the business cater to children? if so then yes no smoking inside. does the business sell alcohol as 51% of its yearly income? If yes then odds are children wont be inside and smokers WELCOME IN. does the establishment sell alcohol and tobacco as 51% of its yearly income? Again welcome the smokers.
When my children are with me I look for resturants that do not have smoking. when my boys are not with me I look for smoking establishments.
I believe in a free market. I believe in a persons right to choose. Sorry CITY PLANNERS I DISAGREE WITH A SMOKING BAN!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A little clairity

Things are often misunderstood. 1. I am from Mesquite not Balch Springs. 2. I am a center of the road person. 3. WHEN I SEE CORRUPTION I FEEL OBLIGATED TO EXPOSE IT.
I lived in Mesquite until my mother passed away in 1985. For those that knew her I would love your feed back good or bad on this site as well as face book. No one but her closest friends could even come close to being my toughest critics. I will welcome and accept it.
I am center of the road. I believe in right and wrong. I believe that wrongs should be corrected. I believe in justice for every one not just those that can afford high price power lawyers.
When I see a law being broken and then covered up I feel a need to report it not only to the public at large but to law enforcement as well.
I have several family members that would rather I go back to Missouri that come here and be a writer and editor of The Balch Springs Beacon. Needless to say I am back for the long haul. My politics and personal beliefs aside I strive to be a fair and honest person.
Even my family will have to admit it. They have no choice.
My hero in life was my great uncles Gene Edmonds, Bill Mercer, Eddie Johnson, Don Disbrow, Don Edmonds, and Clifford Edmonds. these men taught me the values I carry to this day. Bill taught me its ok to cry when you lose some one as close as your mom. Gene taught me you can sing through the tears. Eddie taught me that faith in God will carry you through even the most impossible task and journey. Clifford taught me to be honest to myself. the uncles Don taught me how to face death with courage and faith that God will see use to our final home.
I learned alot through these men. I only have Uncle Gene and Uncle Bill left. These two men still inspire me. Uncle Bill still tries to maintain his yard but its getting more difficult for him to do so. Uncle Gene still sings with the His Harmony Vocal Group. It still inspires me that Gene still travels and preforms. Bill is always there with his "Hello Curtis" hug and hand shake.
I strive to have the faith that both of these men have. It keeps me going. It makes me want to make this world a better place as they have made my life better.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Severe Weather ALERT

Please follow the weather moving into the area tonight. this is a STRONG line moving into Dallas County. If you have a police scanner you can follow the HAM radio storm spotters in Dallas county on the frequencies of 146.880 and in Mesquite on 145.310. 145.310 is on the tower by Memorial Stadium near West Mesquite High School.
Please follow close so listen and stay safe

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I love this town.

Katheryn Butler (my mother) told me one hot summer day in 1981. "Curtis, I love this town." as we drove on a street near I-635. She shared with me a deep insight that my 7 year old brain could not absorb. as years passed and developments passed Balch Springs by I began to remember more of the conversation. Her vision was vast. yet her activity was limited. Cancer had already taken the first toll on her at that point. chemotherapy had weakened her. her body would fail her some 3 and a half years in the future and her vision would be left to me. now 26 years later I am in a position to see her vision from an adults eyes. to understand the political side of her problems with the lack of infrastructure in Balch Springs. Now without an Independent School District of its own and parents on the north side of town having to send their children to Mesquite and the rest having to send their children to Dallas, my mothers dream has become a personal uphill fight that I want to undertake. The failure of BSISD was more the fault of the City Council and Mayors of years past. Not wanting to expand or allow industrial or business to enter the city. That equated into lost tax revenue and that destroyed the school system. now we have another chance to have a major developement come into town and the 4-3 split on the council with the Mayor breaking the tie to keep the Parkland Hospital Clinic out has damaged another chance at 1. NEEDED JOBS 2. NEEDED TAX REVENUE 3. NEEDED MEDICAL SERVICES. I will put the first 2 aside lets look at the medical side of it. How close is the nearest emergency room to Balch Springs? Answer is Mesquite Medical Center located on Galloway. It is a place that i would not trust to walk my dog much less allow to operate on me. There are horror stories that are too graphic to mention in print media of any kind from that place. even I have one for you but that is my personal tragedy and I will keep it to myself. Balch Springs needs this medical facility. It needs the tax revenue that would be generated and it needs the addition developement it will bring. we as a city need this. we must have it and we deserve it.

April 2011 Issue | Rough Draft Version

This is what readers of The Balch Springs Beacon can expect in their second issue (subject to change):

The first-ever issue can be read online here:

Reaction to the first issue has been intense: