Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A little clairity

Things are often misunderstood. 1. I am from Mesquite not Balch Springs. 2. I am a center of the road person. 3. WHEN I SEE CORRUPTION I FEEL OBLIGATED TO EXPOSE IT.
I lived in Mesquite until my mother passed away in 1985. For those that knew her I would love your feed back good or bad on this site as well as face book. No one but her closest friends could even come close to being my toughest critics. I will welcome and accept it.
I am center of the road. I believe in right and wrong. I believe that wrongs should be corrected. I believe in justice for every one not just those that can afford high price power lawyers.
When I see a law being broken and then covered up I feel a need to report it not only to the public at large but to law enforcement as well.
I have several family members that would rather I go back to Missouri that come here and be a writer and editor of The Balch Springs Beacon. Needless to say I am back for the long haul. My politics and personal beliefs aside I strive to be a fair and honest person.
Even my family will have to admit it. They have no choice.
My hero in life was my great uncles Gene Edmonds, Bill Mercer, Eddie Johnson, Don Disbrow, Don Edmonds, and Clifford Edmonds. these men taught me the values I carry to this day. Bill taught me its ok to cry when you lose some one as close as your mom. Gene taught me you can sing through the tears. Eddie taught me that faith in God will carry you through even the most impossible task and journey. Clifford taught me to be honest to myself. the uncles Don taught me how to face death with courage and faith that God will see use to our final home.
I learned alot through these men. I only have Uncle Gene and Uncle Bill left. These two men still inspire me. Uncle Bill still tries to maintain his yard but its getting more difficult for him to do so. Uncle Gene still sings with the His Harmony Vocal Group. It still inspires me that Gene still travels and preforms. Bill is always there with his "Hello Curtis" hug and hand shake.
I strive to have the faith that both of these men have. It keeps me going. It makes me want to make this world a better place as they have made my life better.

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